Tina Docs
Core Concepts
Querying Content
Customizing Tina
Going To Production
Further Reference

Config Reference

Table of Contents

The config file

When you provide a file at tina/config.{ts,tsx,js,jsx} that exports a defineConfig function, Tina will automatically generate TinaCMS as a static asset. Note that it must be the default export of this file.

The location for the config file was previously at .tina/config.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}


branchThe branch that will be used to query content on TinaCloud (Not used in local mode)
clientIdThe ClientId generated on TinaCloud (Not used in local mode)
tokenA read only token generated on TinaCloud (Not used in local mode)
buildBuild configuration for storing Tina as a static asset
build.publicFolderThe public asset folder for your framework
build.outputFolderWithin the public asset folder, the desired output location
build.basePathIf your site will be served at a sub-path like my-domain.com/my-site, provide "my-site"
mediaMedia configuration for external and git backed media
schemaThe schema defines the shape of your content.
searchSearch configuration


const branch =
process.env.HEAD ||
export default defineConfig({
token: '<Your Read Only Token>' // generated on app.tina.io
clientId: '<Your Client ID>', // generated on app.tina.io
build: {
publicFolder: 'public', // The public asset folder for your framework
outputFolder: 'admin' // within the public folder
// See https://tina.io/docs/reference/schema/ for more information
schema: {
collections: [
//..Array of collections

In this example, the TinaCMS admin will be viewable at <my-site-url>/admin/index.html. For more information check out the content modeling section.

Last Edited: September 29, 2022